Helicopter Flight Training
We are a Part 61 Helicopter Flight School. We have found that utilizing FAA Part 61 regulations instead of Part 141 allows for us to tailor-teach each student to their personal needs and allows for flexibility within the given curriculum.
The only slight difference between Part 61 & 141 is that for Part 61, the FAA requires the student to log an additional five hours of flight time for sign off. It’s been our experience, however, that the “average” student usually takes about 60-65 hrs to fully complete their helicopter training to be ready for their flight test, anyway.
By the time all is said and done, the course will realistically run anywhere between $21,000-$26,000 for the average helicopter student. Lessons can be done year-round, keeping in mind that during the winter months it gets dark a lot earlier!
The course is a combination of flight and ground training designed to prepare you for the Helicopter Private Pilot written exam and flight test.
Flight lessons are conducted utilizing the Robinson Helicopter Flight Training Curriculum/Syllabus.
The Robinson Helicopter Flight Training Curriculum will take you through three different stages designed as a building block approach to your training, promoting pilot confidence and skill levels.
- Stage One: Helicopter Components, Systems, Instruments & Basic Aerodynamics
- Stage Two: Aviation Weather, Flight Computer & Aeronautical Information (AIM)
- Stage Three: VFR Charts, Navigation Plotter, Radio Navigation, Cross Country Planning, Physiological & Psychological considerations & Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).

The online ground school course, brought to us by Independent Helicopters, also follows along with the Robinson Helicopter Flight Training Curriculum/Syllabus.
This is a “self-paced course,” meaning; once you purchase the online course, you then complete your ground sessions on your own time and at your own pace, all the while keeping on with scheduling your flight lessons at your convenience.
There is no formal “classroom” study with other students. Any extended ground school sessions required will be done on a one-to-one basis with your instructor. Your flight instructor will help guide you through the ground school content that will be expected to be completed prior to each flight lesson.

All in all, you’ll find your Robinson Helicopter Flight Training experience at Interstate Aviation to be thorough, comprehensive and, most of all, FUN!
FAA Private Pilot License Requirements:
*The following list of requirements represents the minimum and is not meant to be all inclusive. Please refer to the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR) for a comprehensive list.
PART 61 (14 CFR 61.109)
- Be at least 16 years old to solo the aircraft and 17 years old to obtain your license.
- Be able to read, speak, write and understand the English language.
- Obtain at least a 3rd Class Medical Certificate
- Receive and log ground training
- Receive and log a minimum** of 40 hours of flight time that include:
- 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor (CFI)
- 3 hours of cross-country flight training
- 3 hours of instrument training
- 3 hours of Practical Test preparation
- 3 hours of night flight training
- 10 takeoffs and landings to a full stop
- 1 cross-country flight of over 100 NM total distance
- 10 hours of solo flight training
- 5 hours of solo cross-country time
- 1 solo cross country of at least 150 NM with full stop landings at a minimum of 3 points
- 3 takeoffs and landings to a full stop at an airport with an operating control towe
- Pass a Knowledge (written) Test
- Pass a Practical (flight) Test
**While 40 hours is the FAA minimum amount of hours required to earn a Private Pilot License the national average is between 55 to 70 hours and we offer no guarantee as to the amount of time it will take for you to earn your license. The flight time incurred on a “Demo Flight” is not logged and does not count toward the FAA minimum hourly requirements to obtain your license.
Low Cost HELICOPTER Demonstration Flights!
Interstate Aviation offers to our prospective helicopter students a Hands-On Low Cost Demonstration Flight*, which consists of a 30 minute, dual instruction flight with one of our Certified Flight Instructors. They will get you familiarized with the helicopter and, once you take flight, they’ll show you how to take the controls for a bit yourself, as well! After the flight, the instructor will also give you a tour of our facilities, review and explain the R44 Helicopter Ground & Flight Training Course and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to stop by any time to view our facilities, check out our helicopter or just to talk to one of our staff about our services. Interstate is open 7 days a week, all year round.
*The flight time incurred on a Demo Flight is not logged and does not count toward the FAA minimum hourly requirements to obtain your license.
Please call us for more information on advanced helicopter training and helicopter add-on ratings!
Private Pilot Course